Dial Reading Tutor
Reading Multi-Dial Analog Guages otherwise known as METERS
A JavaScript Application
Installing this on your computer
If you want to install this web page to your device you can (so that you can practice reading meters even though you don't have network access at the moment). Some operating systems try to hide your file structure. If so, it is up to you to
conquer this.
You need to do these things to run this on your computer:
- Download the zip file named "manyDials.zip", and . . .
- after checking it for viruses and other security issues (because you really should do this no matter how much you trust the source), and . . .
- unzip it to any directory on any drive where you have permissions to run an html page, keeping the directory structure, and . . .
- open the index.html in an javascript enabled web browser.
The version of this page with notes contains what this page contains, but also some further notes.
Anybody who uses this application takes all responsibility for any risk from using it. I can't for the life of me imagine what that might be, but there is an imaginative universe out there.
These works (the javaScript code, the html code and all the associated graphics files) are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.